
Georgios Theodoropoulos

Asset & Portfolio Manager

Trastor REIC

George Theodoropoulos is in charge of the Portfolio and Asset Management of the Company. His main responsibilities are the supervision of the Asset-Portfolio Management Division, as well as, the Technical Division.

He is an executive with specialization in the Real Estate sector with over 20 years of experience in the UK and Greece. He worked in Virgin Group (UK) as Head of Property in Virgin Ware, specialized mainly in retail real estate. He was a founding member of the Real Estate Division of Marfin Bank (thereafter Marfin Egnatia Bank) in 2007, and member of the founding team of MIG Real Estate REIC the same year. He remained in the Real Estate Division of Marfin Bank till 2013. In 2013 he joined Piraeus Real Estate SA, member of Piraeus Bank Group, focusing mainly on corporate and commercial real estate valuations. In 2014 he took over the position of Assistant Manager, in Task Force Merchant Banking Division, at Piraeus Bank, mainly focusing on real estate investment banking and large NPL/NPE re-structuring projects, as well as, active management of the Bank’s REO Portfolio. In 2016 he became Risk & Compliance Officer for Trastor REIC.

George is a member of the Sustainability Council of ULI Greece & Cyprus. He also served the same Organization under the positions of member of the Executive Board and Chair of Young Leaders. He is a graduate of Cass Business School in London, in Management and Systems.

Wednesday 5 | 03

Makedonia Palace, ThessalonikiWed 5 | 03

George Zagliverinos, Secretary General, Greek Exporters Association