
Theodoros Mitrakos

Director-Advisor and Former Deputy Governor

Bank of Greece

Theodoros Mitrakos graduated with honours from the Faculty of Economics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and holds a PhD in Economics from the Athens University of Economics and Business. He worked for the Centre of Planning and Economic Research (1987-1988) and for the National Accounts Department of the Hellenic Statistical Authority (1989-1997). From 1997 onwards, he worked as an Economist at the Economic Analysis and Research Department of the Bank of Greece, where he set up and developed the Department’s Real Estate Market Analysis Section. During 2010-2011, he served as vice-president of the Hellenic Public Real Estate Corporation. In 2011, he was elected Assistant Professor at the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences.

From 2015 to 2021, he was Deputy Governor of the Bank of Greece, Chairman of the Hellenic Deposit and Investment Guarantee Fund (HDIGF), member of the Asset Disclosure Review Committee of the Hellenic Parliament and Board member of the Public Debt Management Agency (PDMA). He was also representative of the Bank of Greece at the Economic and Financial Committee (EFC) of the European Union. As from March 2021, he is Director-Advisor at the Economic Analysis and Research Department of the Bank of Greece. As a Visiting Professor, he also teaches in the post-graduate programme of the University of the Peloponnese.

He has participated in many international conferences and has several years of research and teaching experience. He has published articles in international journals and in collective volumes and has also co-authored six books, including “The Greek banking landscape and the international financial crisis” (in Greek), “The steps of immigrants in the Greek economy” (in Greek), “Structural change and banking employment” and the Athens Academy award winning “Education and the labour market” (in Greek). His research focus is on European and monetary policy issues, income distribution and the real estate market.

Wednesday 5 | 03

Makedonia Palace, ThessalonikiWed 5 | 03